Saturday, February 19, 2011

Annotated Bibliography: Number Two

Yerby, Amanda, Baron, Samantha, and Lee Youjinn."Gender Roles in Disney Animation." Rpt. in Vol. 1. 1-11. Web. 8 Feb. 2011. <>.

This article defines gender roles as actions or behaviors that are usually attributed to either male or females. It is the stereotyping of a person’s identity based on preconceived notions of how a gender should behave. Animation is one major way stereotypes have been spread throughout our societies. Animations creators pigeonhole genders into certain standards that can be portrayed visually through things like body shapes. Movies create images that children take to be the “norm.” Disney films have especially pushed the stereotypical “princess” image as a prominent gender role that women are intended to fulfill. The female role of a princess heroine has become more popular as the years have passed. Men are illustrated with muscles and agility to continue portraying stereotypical images of the male gender. Even characteristics such as things like age effect how people perceive an animated character. The article continues with a quick analysis of four very prominent Disney films that have differing lead female characters.  It concludes with saying that the portrayal of women characters has changed over time.

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